Monday, March 22, 2010

When Lightning Comes in a Jar, by Patricia Polacco

When Lightning Comes in a Jar was inspired by Polacco's love for storytelling and her dedication to passing on her memories of family.

The story is about a family reunion and a special event that took place. Every family reunion was so predictable for the young girl (Polacco) in the story, she thought she knew exactly what would occur because it was the same year after year. First the cousins would come, then the Jell-O molds and meatloafs would be brought to the table, then the annual baseball game, the bag races, watermelon seed spitting contest, then the storytelling . . . But this summer, Gramma told her that something else would happen, as she suggested: "And we might catch lightning in jars."

Of course, what child wouldn't be intrigued by such a comment, LIGHTNING IN JARS!!! What in the world does that mean. The entire day of the reunion adds to the suspense surrounding this activity that was soon to take place, catching lightning in jars. The family gather for the storytelling and the children are all extremely anxious to discover what this may mean. Finally, after dark, the jars come out and the "magic" begins.

The story ends with Polacco sharing how the tradition of catching lightning in jars is carried on today by her family. The final words and images of the book leave the reader longing to carry on their own family traditions, allowing the imprints of the past to become an essential part of building the future.

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